Career Advice

How to Turn Your Internship into a Full-Time Job

Written by RippleMatch | May 23, 2023 6:04:00 PM

Summer internships are an amazing way to gain valuable work experience and build a resourceful network. And with the right approach, you can turn that summer internship into a full-time job offer to propel your career. In fact, while it depends on the company and availability of roles, on average about 70% of interns are hired at the same company they interned with.

With the right mindset and strategies, you can make the most out of your internship and increase your chances of getting offered a full-time position. As you take on your summer internship, here are some tips to help you turn it into a full-time gig: 


Research the company and industry before your internship starts

While your internship may not start for a few weeks (or months), preparation is key. Before your first day, take some time to research the company and industry. Understand the company's mission, values, and goals, and learn about their products, services, and the team you’ll be working with.

A thorough review of the company will give you a head start when it comes time to contribute to the company and will allow you to ask more thoughtful questions and have more insightful conversations with your colleagues and supervisors.

At the same time, don't be afraid to ask questions or seek more information from your supervisor or colleagues when getting started. Not only will this help you perform and contribute more effectively, but it will show your employer that you are invested in the company and its success.


Communicate your interest in a full-time position during the internship

During the early stages of your internship, make it clear that you're interested in full-time employment with the company. Let your supervisor know your commitment, interest, and willingness to learn and contribute to the organization beyond the internship period.

Many interns may feel intimidated or uncertain about expressing their interest in a full-time position, but it's critical to communicate your intentions early on. Ask your supervisor what it takes for an intern to receive a full-time offer — they will recognize this as a sign of ambition and even offer guidance to reach those goals.

If you end up really liking the program and find yourself a great fit, you’ll be in a better position to receive an offer.


Leave a memorable impression on the company

Making a positive impression during your summer internship can go a long way in securing a job offer. Arriving on time, staying organized, and being friendly and respectful to your colleagues are crucial in demonstrating your work ethic and professionalism.

But don't just stop there. Going above and beyond by taking the initiative to complete projects without being asked, brainstorming creative ideas, and truly investing in your work can set you apart from other interns. By presenting valuable ideas and showing a strong work ethic, you can prove your value to the company and increase your chances of getting a job offer.

A strategy to stay productive and accomplish tasks efficiently is to create a plan or to-do list and identify SMART goals.

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By setting these goals, you can show your supervisor that you're goal-oriented, self-motivated, and committed to delivering results for the company.

Not everything will go perfectly during your internship, but staying positive and open to feedback is important. Don't let setbacks or challenges discourage you from giving your best effort. Instead, take any constructive criticism and apply it to improve and grow in your role — employers are excited when interns are adaptive learners.

Being proactive and persistent while displaying a positive attitude and strong work ethic can differentiate you from other interns.


Ask for feedback from your internship supervisor(s) regularly

Another way to increase your chances of getting a full-time job offer is to seek regular feedback from your supervisor. The mentorship and tips they provide will help you understand what you're doing well, areas where you need improvement, and how you can better align with the company's goals and values.

Communication is a two-way street, so be open and don't be afraid to bring up skills you'd like them to work on that they can help you with.

Asking for feedback shows you're committed to growing professionally and learning from your experiences, and it can demonstrate your dedication and willingness to learn for the company's success. Plus, it can help you make any necessary adjustments to ensure you're on track to receive a full-time job offer.


Network and build relationships with key contacts and colleagues during the internship

Business and work are all about relationships. Building your professional network and developing relationships with key contacts and colleagues during your internship is crucial. Attend company events, join professional development groups, ask colleagues to join you for lunch, and connect with them on LinkedIn.

Building relationships can help you gain insight into the company culture, expand your knowledge and skills, and identify potential mentors and advocates who can vouch for you to the hiring manager when it comes to decision-making.

See more tips on networking here


Close with gratitude and a powerful follow up after the internships ends 

As your summer internship comes to an end, remember to close strongly. In your final days, express your appreciation to your colleagues, supervisor, and the organization for the opportunity to learn and grow professionally.

Convey your appreciation for the experience you gained and how it impacted you. Leave a lasting impression by providing a powerful follow-up, such as a personalized thank-you note reiterating your interest in a full-time job position or requesting a brief meeting with your supervisor to discuss any future opportunities.


For any summer intern, turning your summer internship into a full-time job takes effort, dedication, and strategic planning. By researching the company and industry before getting started, communicating your interest in a full-time position, leaving a memorable impression, asking for frequent feedback, and finishing strong, you can set yourself up for success.

Remember that every internship experience is unique, but by putting in the work and following some tips here, you can increase your chances of securing a full-time job offer and launching your career on the right path. 


If you're still searching for internship opportunities, be sure to make your free profile on RippleMatch and get fast-tracked to interviews with great opportunities.