Career Advice

Articles and guides that will help you find opportunities, master the interview process, and build an amazing career.

15 Companies With Standout Diversity and Inclusion Efforts
Jun 28, 2024

Now more than ever, corporate leaders are taking a proactive stand in recognizing the importance of promoting diversity in the workplace and creating an inclusive work environment. Meanwhile, an increasing number of companies are putting in a lot of effort into being true champions of DE&I.

6 Non-Profit Organizations To Begin Your Career At
Jun 28, 2024

In today's ever-evolving job market, the choice of where to begin one's career is a pivotal decision that can shape not only professional growth but also personal fulfillment and the impact on the world. Non-profit organizations, driven by a deep sense of purpose and commitment to positive change, offer a unique and rewarding avenue for launching a career. That said, there are so many organizations to explore that it's not always clear where to look. To help narrow down your search, we've identified 6 non-profits that span industries and subject areas – but all make a big impact. Whether you're passionate about education, social impact, or innovation, this article is your guide to discovering the incredible opportunities that lie within the realm of non-profits. Take a look at the organizations below!

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5 Ways to Find Out How a Company Can Help You Develop Professionally
Most college students know that learning isn’t something that only happens in the classroom. In fact, RippleMatch research reveals that many young job seekers care deeply about professional development in their first job, ranking it as more important in choosing a job than other factors like compensation and company prestige.
13 Companies With Excellent New Hire Training
Starting a new internship or job is both exciting and nerve-wracking. As a fresh hire, it is natural to seek a sense of readiness and guidance as you step into a new role, especially if you are relatively new to the labor market. Even seasoned employees need support and training when they start something new, especially since organizations all have different preferred modes of communication, use different software, and have different workplace cultures.
It Doesn't Have to Be This Way
There comes a point in life when you realize: the government isn’t real. It’s a collective delusion. We have all agreed to respect it. Its enforcement may be real; it is not.
How to Spend 36 Hours in NYC
Friday, 8:00 pm
Checklist: the Happiest Place on Earth
5:30 am
Who You Lose on the Path to “Success”
The summer before my junior year of high school, I flew across the Pacific Ocean and touched down on North American soil after a shaky landing at the Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier International Airport. I was fifteen years old, alone, and without a return ticket. The border control officer glanced at the birthdate on my passport and, brows furrowed, scrutinized me through the glass panel.
The Sheep You’ll Meet
He was a fastidious sort of sheep, even on death row. While his colleagues had strewn their patches of barn with hay and excrement, he kept his tidy. His wool reflected the light sneaking through the porous ceiling, and although he exuded a sour barn-smell, it was clear that if he wanted to he could smell better than the sweaty young man staring down at him on that late August afternoon. Four days later, or something thereabout, I am told he was a satisfactory roast.
What Defines Youth
Everyone keeps telling us that we are so young. When they say that, I think about the First World War. At twenty-three, I would have been a well-seasoned soldier. Or, of course, a well-seasoned nurse, stenographer, fiancée. War crosses my mind in these moments not out of morbidity but in some attempt to contextualize that word: young. At twenty-three, I leave a plastic packet of rice boiling for too long while talking to a friend on the phone. The packet is charred and smoking. In some other slice of time and space, I could be a mother. There is no 10-minute, boil-in-bag option for trench warfare, or babies.
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