Career Advice

Program Insider: An In-Depth Look at City Teaching Alliance's Residency Program

Written by RippleMatch | May 16, 2023 10:02:00 PM

Working as a teacher is a highly rewarding career known for its opportunities for continuous learning and personal growth. Plus, teachers have the ability to inspire and motivate others to reach their full potential and achieve their goals, making a large difference in the world. And while all that sounds exciting, it can be difficult to know where to start your career journey as a teacher, especially if you didn’t major in education in college.

Luckily, there are standout organizations out there looking to support and nurture the next generation of educators regardless of their backgrounds, such as City Teaching Alliance. In fact, City Teaching Alliance offers more comprehensive coursework and personalized support than any other teacher training program.

Through City Teaching Alliance's four-year Residency Program, budding educators receive hands-on coaching, mentor support, and the opportunity to earn a master’s degree, allowing them the chance to gain real-world experience in a collaborative learning environment that is designed for them to succeed. 


Program Breakdown

The first year of City Teaching Alliance's Residency Program is characterized by extensive one-on-one coaching and masters level coursework; in your second year you’ll become a fellow and begin earning a salary and working as a teacher in your own classroom, with continuing coaching; in year three the coaching and teaching continues, and you earn your certification; and in your fourth year you’re becoming a change agent in your school, all while receiving the support you need to succeed as an educator.   

To dive into what you might experience as a teacher throughout the four-year residency program, we sat down with former program participant Yvesh'a Bellevue. After Yvesh'a graduated from the program in 2020, she continued teaching for a fifth year and worked as the DEI (diversity,equity, inclusion) leader at her school. She is now the assistant director of recruitment at City Teaching Alliance. 

"City Teaching Alliance's Residency Program is the best option to consider after graduation,” Yvesh'a told us. “This program holistically supports you better than any program I know. As a first-year teacher, I was excelling and my kids were thriving better than most teachers who have been in the profession for years!”

Read on for an inside look at what you can expect from the program. 


Comprehensive preparation, support, and mentorship

Going from being a student in college to a teacher in your own classroom can be intimidating — and City Teaching Alliance ensure that its residency program eases you into that role and helps you develop the confidence you need to be a classroom leader before working with students directly. 

“You will never be alone or without support,” Yvesh'a said. “The City Teaching Alliance Residency Program prepares you for instructional and behavioral challenges in the classroom through their hands-on coaching approach and tailored, master-level courses. Outside the classroom, you're mentally and emotionally supported by your City Teaching Alliance community.”

The City Teaching Alliance Residency Program is grounded and rooted in mentorship and coaching. In your first year, for example, you’ll work alongside a seasoned classroom teacher during the day, and receive coaching support from highly-trained clinical faculty. 

“There's a gradual release of responsibility, so you're not thrown into the front of the classroom unprepared. You have time in the beginning to truly learn, observe, and ask questions,”  Yvesh'a said. “Therefore by the time you are leading your classroom independently as a first-year teacher, you will be more than prepared.”


A clear path to a successful career in education

City Teaching Alliance is focused on more than just classroom teaching. The program offers a clear path to career development for those who want to expand their educational reach. For example, Yvesh'a told us that after completing the residency program, alumni have gone on to become principals.  

Plus, you’ll also have the opportunity to support newer teachers if you chose to become a school district leader, and give back to the community that helped you grow as an educator.

"It is not uncommon for City Teaching Alliance alumni to become school leaders,” Yvesh'a said. “You'll then have the opportunity to support other teachers just as you were once supported.”

Plus, the skillset that you develop throughout your time in the City Teaching Alliance Residency Program is invaluable, and will set you up for success whichever path you decide to take. That’s because the program focuses on helping you develop critical hard and soft skills, such as communication, leadership, learning, commitment, and a flexible mindset.


A resourceful and powerful community

City Teaching Alliance provides you with a powerful and resourceful community of educators, leaders, and professionals. In fact, it's one of the most important aspects of the program.

"I cannot discuss City Teaching Alliance without discussing our community. During my Residency Year [the first year of the program], when arriving at our course site, our Resident Coordinator would offer us encouragement, laughter, and a place to be heard." Yvesh'a shared. “If I ever needed additional support, our coaches are second to none in offering expert knowledge and coming to your classroom to help if needed.”

Whether it was learning in the classroom or finishing up working with cohort friends, the City Teaching Alliance program provided Yvesh'a a close-knit, supportive community during her time in the program.

"The City Teaching Alliance staff provided us with resources for counseling, financial workshops, or other things we needed," Yvesh'a noted. “They truly prepare you and support you.”

Plus, by joining City Teaching Alliance's active alumni network and keeping in touch with your mentors, friends, and fellow teachers, you can stay connected and continue to learn from the City Teaching Alliance community even beyond your time in the program. Yvesh'a credits her success today to the people she worked with and learned from during the program.

“I wouldn't be where I am without my City Teaching Alliance community,” Yvesh'a said. 

The City Teaching Alliance Residency Program is a journey that provides participants with invaluable resources, mentorship, and growth opportunities to learn alongside a diverse cohort of future educators passionate about change, advocacy, and justice. With its supportive community, tailored courses, and career development path, joining the City Teaching Alliance program is an experience that will help you kickstart your teaching career.


Interested in learning more about the City Teaching Alliance Residency Program? Find information about the program here.