
Introducing: RippleMatch CRM

Written by RippleMatch | May 17, 2021 5:07:00 AM

Campus recruitment teams face many challenges. Two of the biggest concerns are identifying talent early and keeping candidates engaged. Of course, ensuring that candidates have a positive experience is also important. But with a shifting recruitment landscape and a need to consistently meet hiring deadlines, how can talent acquisition teams manage these responsibilities? 


Enter: RippleMatch CRM. RippleMatch CRM can help you track candidate relationships from initial contact to hire, and nurture those relationships through easy sharing of marketing content, recruitment events, and open jobs. Instead of building your pipeline from scratch each year, you will be able to more easily identify talent early and keep them engaged.


The Importance of Candidate Experience

It’s no secret that candidate experience is an important factor in recruiting the best talent. Unfortunately, the switch to virtual recruiting over the last year has made it more difficult to provide the best candidate experience possible. According to RippleMatch survey data, 82% of students believe that virtual events led to fewer personalized interactions, and 69% of students said it was difficult for campus recruiters to get to know students virtually.

Whether recruitment is taking place in-person or online, certain aspects of candidate experience are particularly important. For example, 80% of students say that timely follow-ups after interviews contribute to a positive experience, and just as many say that not hearing back at all after submitting an application leads to a negative experience. Additionally, 62% of students feel that a lack of information about what to expect at an interview is also a negative factor.

Another important aspect to consider is that as many as 80% of students say that they would like recruiters to reach out to them to invite them to apply for open positions. However, how do you effectively target the right students when inviting them to apply? That’s where RippleMatch CRM can come in. If you’ve already identified top candidates and kept them engaged, you’ll know exactly who you want to invite to apply for key roles when the applications open.


Challenges with Traditional Processes

Early-talent recruitment teams want to engage the right talent early and at scale, build diverse and qualified pipelines, and of course, hire the top talent. However, with traditional, manual processes, quality candidates often slip through the cracks. It’s difficult to track who you meet and keep them engaged, as Excel spreadsheets and mail merges can only go so far. Finding diverse talent for open positions is often done only once the job opens up, but effective diversity recruitment requires proactiveness. Once you finally find great talent, they’ve probably already gone to competitors, as top candidates tend to join companies they know and trust.


How Candidate Relationship Management from RippleMatch Can Help

RippleMatch CRM alleviates many of the pain points that traditional recruiting processes can cause. With RippleMatch CRM, you can:


Automatically track candidates every step of the way. With RippleMatch CRM, you’ll have a comprehensive view of candidates. You’ll be able to see what jobs they apply to, what events they have attended, and view any notes you have on them, all in one place. 

Access dynamic candidate data. With conventional CRMs, you’re reliant on stale, static candidate data. Your information on a candidate shows a snapshot in time, with their resume and application data limited to what they provide at the moment they apply. With RippleMatch CRM, you’ll have access to dynamic candidate data that updates whenever the candidate takes an action on the platform. When students update their resumes to apply to new jobs at different companies, you’ll be able to see their updated information, helping you identify candidates who may be a good fit for new roles. 

Engage candidates at every stage of their journey. From your first marketing efforts to keeping in touch with students after an internship, you’ll be able to track and stay in touch with candidates effortlessly.

Build diverse pipelines year-round. Keep track of excellent candidates that you meet when you don’t necessarily have a role for them to apply to. With RippleMatch CRM, you can more easily build pipelines in advance to ensure you don’t have to start from scratch when hiring season begins. Utilizing a platform that allows you to keep track of candidates over the long-term will also make it easier to plan more early-ID events to identify and engage with great talent throughout the year.

Create exceptional candidate experiences. Because you will have great data on who is in your pipeline, you’ll be able to create a much more personalized experience for candidates. You can invite candidates to events that fit their skills and interests, automate communication to keep them in the loop, and directly invite them to apply to roles that are perfect for them. This personalized, high-touch experience is exactly what Gen Z is looking for, and will lead to a much more positive experience overall.

Effortlessly measure ROI. It’s important to show that your investments are worth the money you spend on them. With RippleMatch CRM, you can track everything from marketing campaigns, to how candidates move through your pipeline, to diversity statistics. You’ll have insight into which efforts are reaching the most people, which improve candidate engagement, and which result in the most hires. 


How RippleMatch CRM Ties Your Recruitment Efforts Together

CRM is the connective tissue between all your recruitment efforts. When you start with a warm candidate base that you can engage with intentionally, you’ll get better results. By connecting all your recruitment efforts together, you’ll more easily identify great, diverse candidates, engage them, reach out directly to them when the time is right, and ensure their entire experience is positive—and you’ll do it all in one place. This powerful tool will streamline your recruiting processes while giving you a 360° view of candidates, improving your results while giving you more time to focus on new programs and projects.

View a sneak peek of the RippleMatch CRM here.