Career Advice

Articles and guides that will help you find opportunities, master the interview process, and build an amazing career.

Finding a Job 101: How to Identify Opportunities and Position Yourself Competitively in Your Search
Sep 16, 2024

You go to college hoping that by the time you graduate, you’ll know exactly what you want to do and your dream job will be waiting for you. Unfortunately, that’s not always how it works out. Maybe you’ve spent your college career acquiring specific skills and you know exactly what you want to do, but you’re having trouble getting responses from employers. Maybe you’re unsure exactly what you want to do after graduation, so your job search is stalled.

12 Strong Rotational Programs to Kickstart Your Career
Sep 06, 2024

Just because you’re nearing the end of your college career and the time has come for you to search for your first full-time job, it doesn’t mean you have to box yourself into one role for the next few years. In fact, there are paid programs out there that are designed to expose bright, young talent to different departments within a company and help them determine where they might thrive — otherwise known as rotational programs

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Follow These Steps to Ace Your Behavioral Interview
What is a behavioral interview?
How to Research a Company Before Your Interview
Before any interview, you should always do your homework on the company and the position you’re interviewing for. Even if it’s just a phone screen, recruiters will expect that you have done your basic homework. Here are the top 5 things you should do before going into your next interview.
Five books that Should Accompany your Diploma
Maybe the library at 2am is just starting to feel like home, and maybe you finally feel comfortable and accomplished in your academic pursuits; but as the bitterly-named “best four years of your life” threaten to coat themselves with the impenetrable sheen of nostalgia, you are forced to consider, “what’s next?” Imminent graduation and those months of limbo that follow it bring new challenges of friendship, love, and existential dread that define the end of adolescence, but these authors weave philosophy and masterful storytelling to show us that even the best minds don’t have to have all the answers and that the anxious struggle against the unknown future is not degrading, it is literary.
The Secret to Acing a Job Application
Although the years of college applications are long gone, you may still come across occasions where a job, a contest, or a fellowship opportunity sits you down in front of a blank document, with five or seven hundred words to put yourself on paper, and try to get yourself what you want.
The Secret Answers for Getting into Private Equity
What is Private Equity?
What Defines Youth
Everyone keeps telling us that we are so young. When they say that, I think about the First World War. At twenty-three, I would have been a well-seasoned soldier. Or, of course, a well-seasoned nurse, stenographer, fiancée. War crosses my mind in these moments not out of morbidity but in some attempt to contextualize that word: young. At twenty-three, I leave a plastic packet of rice boiling for too long while talking to a friend on the phone. The packet is charred and smoking. In some other slice of time and space, I could be a mother. There is no 10-minute, boil-in-bag option for trench warfare, or babies.
It Doesn't Have to Be This Way
There comes a point in life when you realize: the government isn’t real. It’s a collective delusion. We have all agreed to respect it. Its enforcement may be real; it is not.
Looking for the Wreck
I met Mona on the same day the plane crashed in Findlay, Ohio. Early Sunday morning, my editor called me to say that a small plane carrying two passengers had gone down, nobody had any details yet, and that I’d be going with Mona, a photographer, to find the wreck and cover the story.
College Relationships: A Romance That’s Extra Zesty
First published on October 29, 2015 on Modern Love