Career Advice

Articles and guides that will help you find opportunities, master the interview process, and build an amazing career.

Finding a Job 101: How to Identify Opportunities and Position Yourself Competitively in Your Search
Sep 16, 2024

You go to college hoping that by the time you graduate, you’ll know exactly what you want to do and your dream job will be waiting for you. Unfortunately, that’s not always how it works out. Maybe you’ve spent your college career acquiring specific skills and you know exactly what you want to do, but you’re having trouble getting responses from employers. Maybe you’re unsure exactly what you want to do after graduation, so your job search is stalled.

12 Strong Rotational Programs to Kickstart Your Career
Sep 06, 2024

Just because you’re nearing the end of your college career and the time has come for you to search for your first full-time job, it doesn’t mean you have to box yourself into one role for the next few years. In fact, there are paid programs out there that are designed to expose bright, young talent to different departments within a company and help them determine where they might thrive — otherwise known as rotational programs

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5 Ideas for Revamping Your Resume Design
Before a prospective employer ever sees you, they will see your resume first. A beautiful resume can make a lasting first impression and separate yourself from other applicants. With just a few simple changes to the resume you already have, you can stand out a little more in the process and increase your chances of getting called back for an interview.
A Guide To Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile To Stand Out During Your Job Search
Kate Beckman
If you want to optimize your chances of getting a great job or internship, it’s time to invest some time in your LinkedIn profile. Filling out the basic information on your profile is just the start – to stand out to employers and recruiters, you need to go the extra mile. Current university recruiter Daniel Shoch shares the best practices of filling out the different sections on LinkedIn to get your profile noticed by both recruiters and hiring managers.
What Is Technical Writing? Why All Graduates Should Hone This Skill
With the advent of technology, the need for transforming complex systems into simple processes underscores the importance of technical writing. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates the average salary for those individuals with solid technical writing skills is $71,850 a year, and demand for technical writers is projected to grow 11% from 2016, to 2026 (Figure 1).
9 Things You Should Do After Losing Your Job
My new manager stood in front of me and wrung her hands nervously. “I hope you’re not angry. I can’t believe I had to do this,” she said. At first, I wasn’t sure that I had heard her correctly, but when she remained silent I sat back in the chair, emotionless. Her words went in one ear and out the other.
4 Things You Learn in Your First 4 Months As a Sales Development Representative
Every Sales Development Representative (SDR) role looks slightly different depending upon the company and the role of sales within their mission. But the end goal of SDRs is typically the same – engaging target buyers and getting them to understand how your product provides a solution to their problem.
Management Roles Aren’t Only For Business Majors – 4 Signs You Should Pursue a Career in Leadership
Kate Beckman
If you’ve never taken an Econ or business class, would you ever think you could one day successfully run a business? For many liberal arts and STEM majors the answer is, unfortunately, no. Careers in management, leadership, or operations are often thought to require specific training, but in reality, students from all majors and backgrounds can grow into successful managers and executives.
Why Students Should Build a Personal Brand On LinkedIn – And How to Do It
Are you able to define your personal brand? How do you see yourself? More importantly, how do others see you?
5 Resources You Can Use to Master Microsoft Excel
Did you know that Microsoft Excel is considered the most in-demand skill for entry-level candidates on our platform? Well, you do now. Data collected through RippleMatch’s platform reveals that Microsoft Excel is the most commonly requested skill across all roles by early-career recruiters that use RippleMatch.
Why Engineers Should Value And Hone Their Interpersonal Skills
Engineers play a vital role in society. Engineers use mathematical and scientific models combined with innovative thinking to solve problems and create new designs that benefit humanity. Engineering by nature involves a lifetime of continuous learning to adapt to the constant changes in society and often involves working in multidisciplinary, multicultural, multisite teams. That’s why, beyond having robust technical skills, it’s essential that young engineers understand the value of and develop strong interpersonal skills.