Career Advice

Articles and guides that will help you find opportunities, master the interview process, and build an amazing career.

15 Companies With Standout Diversity and Inclusion Efforts
Jun 28, 2024

Now more than ever, corporate leaders are taking a proactive stand in recognizing the importance of promoting diversity in the workplace and creating an inclusive work environment. Meanwhile, an increasing number of companies are putting in a lot of effort into being true champions of DE&I.

6 Non-Profit Organizations To Begin Your Career At
Jun 28, 2024

In today's ever-evolving job market, the choice of where to begin one's career is a pivotal decision that can shape not only professional growth but also personal fulfillment and the impact on the world. Non-profit organizations, driven by a deep sense of purpose and commitment to positive change, offer a unique and rewarding avenue for launching a career. That said, there are so many organizations to explore that it's not always clear where to look. To help narrow down your search, we've identified 6 non-profits that span industries and subject areas – but all make a big impact. Whether you're passionate about education, social impact, or innovation, this article is your guide to discovering the incredible opportunities that lie within the realm of non-profits. Take a look at the organizations below!

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Looking for the Wreck
I met Mona on the same day the plane crashed in Findlay, Ohio. Early Sunday morning, my editor called me to say that a small plane carrying two passengers had gone down, nobody had any details yet, and that I’d be going with Mona, a photographer, to find the wreck and cover the story.
4 Standout Companies to Launch Your Career in Finance
Kate Beckman
If your background and education are in the financial sector, there is good news: the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) estimates that employment will grow roughly 7% between now and 2031. Now you just have to find the company that is the right match for you in terms of culture, location, and specialized interests.
Why Women Choose to Start Their Construction Careers in Lendlease’s Cornerstone Program
Kate Beckman
For anyone interested in shaping the places where millions of people live and work, a career in the construction industry might be an ideal fit. From office jobs to management and leadership roles to on-site work, there are countless opportunities within this industry – but all contribute to the creation of new spaces that leave a lasting impact.
The Girl on the Boat, Or, Post-Graduation Travel Reflections
The girl on the slow boat to Luang Prabang was trapped in the developing body of a young teen, her frizzy brown hair tied back in a messy ponytail. Her prepubescent breasts protruded from her thin t-shirt, braless, a sight parents in more puritanical countries would have kept well hidden. She was a moon-faced child, plump and jolly, squawking in French and staring back unabashed, exploding into sudden bursts of strident giggles. There is, my boyfriend and I whispered to each other, something off about her. (We had, naturally, started gossiping about the other passengers seconds after they stepped onboard).
Ask Gen Z: How can I assess whether a job will be a good career fit for me?
In a rapidly evolving job market, finding a career that aligns with your passion, skills, and values can be a daunting task. To gain insights into this process, we spoke with Gen Zer Adrian Kuzbik, a rising professional in the insurance industry, currently working as a Cyber Underwriting Associate at Tokio Marine HCC.
5 Things You Should Do When You're Back on Campus to Kickstart Your Internship Search
As you step back onto your college campus after a well-deserved break, it's time to shift gears and dive headfirst into your next big adventure: securing an internship. An internship is not only an opportunity to gain real-world experience but also a stepping stone toward your future career. To make the most of this valuable time, here are five essential steps to kickstart your internship search and set yourself up for success.
Turning Television off in Adulthood
I have TV amnesia. I can’t tell you if Don Draper got married a third time or if Walter White walks among mortals. A few months upon viewing, I’ll have forgotten the most important broad strokes of a television plot. My friends marvel at this forgetfulness: but you’ve seen these shows! I have; this is true. But in many ways, I might as well have not.
College Relationships: A Romance That’s Extra Zesty
First published on October 29, 2015 on Modern Love
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