Get the talent you need. Zero work required.
Transform how you hire with AutoMatch, designed to help you effortlessly find top early career talent and build top-tier teams. Fully automate sourcing qualified talent so you can focus on what truly matters — building meaningful relationships with candidates.

Build your strongest pipeline yet.
Engage The Right Talent, Automatically
Experience game-changing recruitment automation with AutoMatch. Reach the right talent from 1,700 schools around the country. Our platform exclusively contacts qualified talent and confirms interest first.
💬 92% response rate vs 4% on manual sourcing platforms
🚀 20x higher interview rate than job board applicants

Find the Best Candidates for Every Role
RippleMatch is proud to have the most diverse and engaged talent network in university recruiting. As a result, our fully automated sourcing helps our partners find the very best candidates across academic backgrounds, expanding your reach to colleges and universities across the country.
🤝 90% more pipeline diversity than manual sourcing platforms
📋 96% of our candidates self-report EEOC data
Strengthen Your Employer Brand
RippleMatch automatically markets your opportunities, events, and programs to qualified candidates, helping to build your brand at 1,700+ campuses around the country.
🌟90% of users prefer RippleMatch to job boards

Save Time and Effort
Stop sending mass email blasts to unresponsive candidates. RippleMatch saves you time and effort by confirming interest from candidates first, as well as by only reaching out to well-qualified talent. As a result, our partners have a 92% response rate from candidates on our platform.