Make Your Events Work for You

Easily manage events and convert attendees to hires with our all-in-one tool for in-person and virtual events.

The solution for every event, virtual or in-person

Our centralized event management solution works seamlessly with our AI-powered, all-in-one hiring platform. RippleMatch automatically attracts candidates to your events and roles, while also providing a rich record of every interaction between top talent and your recruiting team, from attending an event, to receiving a nurture email, to completing an application, to scheduling an interview.

Capture Every Lead

Leave the resume stack behind with seamless check-in for online and in-person events. Our platform streamlines data collection check-in so you can focus on meaningful interactions instead of tedious paperwork.

Easy, mobile-friendly check-in and attendance tracking
📋 Rich data collection through post-event follow-ups

Reach the Right Audience

Effortlessly promote your events to our network and beyond. Our platform automatically promotes your events to candidates in our network who are well-qualified for your positions, amplifying the impact of your event strategy on your hiring goals.

🎨 Customizable & engaging event landing pages
📣 Automatic event promotion to qualified talent in our network

Convert Attendees to Hires

RippleMatch makes post-event follow-up effortless and impactful. Our platform lets you engage qualified attendees individually or in groups, matching them to ideal roles based on customizable data points for targeted, efficient outreach.

🌟 Easily identify the best talent from your events strategy 
📤 Promote relevant opportunities with targeted follow-ups

Measure Outcomes From Your Events

Make data-driven decisions on your events strategy. Understand who is attending your events, where you are meeting diverse talent, and which of your events are actually driving qualified applicants and hires. Gain actionable insight into which of your events are really helping you reach your goals.

📈 Track outcomes of every event, from attendees to applicants to hires
🌐 Understand the diversity of your event audience today

Ready to start hosting events that convert into hires?

Book a demo to learn how RippleMatch can help you hire the best talent for you, more efficiently than ever before.
