Customer Stories
Learn how other employers are using RippleMatch to efficiently hire the right talent and build diverse teams.
How Alter Domus uses RippleMatch to Hire Efficiently at Scale
Jul 19, 2023
Explore how Alter Domus revolutionized their recruitment process through a partnership with RippleMatch. With RippleMatch's robust applicant sorting system, the Alter Domus team was able to efficiently sift through applications, rejecting unqualified candidates promptly while recognizing and retaining diverse talent.
How Palo Alto Networks scales university & diversity recruiting with RippleMatch
Jul 3, 2023
Discover how Palo Alto Networks partnered with RippleMatch to achieve their university recruitment and diversity goals by utilizing their automated sourcing capabilities, enabling them to reach qualified, diverse talent quickly and efficiently.
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How MongoDB relies on RippleMatch to sort through applicants effectively and hire diverse talent
Jul 3, 2023
Discover how MongoDB partnered with RippleMatch to sort through applicants effectively and hire diverse talent with a virtual-first approach to elevate their sourcing strategy. Using RippleMatch’s matching capabilities, the team is able to easily identify their top matches, and quickly reject unqualified candidates.
How eBay Reduces Applicant Review Time by 70% with RippleMatch
Jun 18, 2022
Discover how eBay partnered with RippleMatch to reduce their applicant review time by 70% by utilizing their automated sourcing and applicant review capabilities, as well as gain insights to unlock visibility into their early career hiring funnel.
How Venture For America Scales Outbound Recruiting with RippleMatch
May 18, 2022
To hire more than 165 fellows a year, MaryCatherine needs to do outbound recruiting at scale. She must also build a brand with college students who may be unfamiliar with Venture For America’s fellowship. However, as a non-profit with a lean recruiting team, MaryCatherine has limited resources to travel and utilize sourcing platforms that require hours of manual work.
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