50 Talent Professionals Share Why They Love Working in Early Career Recruitment
‘Tis the season — to recognize hard-working talent acquisition professionals and early career recruiters! That’s why RippleMatch has deemed this time of year ‘Talent Appreciation Season’, and is excited to celebrate those in the field that play an integral role in their organizations, and make a huge difference in students’ lives.
From creating standout candidate experiences and opening opportunities to more diverse slates of talent, to hosting a slew of engaging in-person and virtual events and building strong relationships with colleges and universities, we know that talent acquisition professionals go above and beyond to support candidates as they make the jump from school to work.
To honor the incredible professionals in recruiting, we are proud to highlight some individuals who are dedicated to helping early career talent. Find them below, and what they and others in the industry love about working with students:
Paying It Forward
Many talent professionals and early career recruiters have had their lives changed by someone who took a chance on them — and are excited to be able to make a difference in someone else's journey.
Senior Talent Specialist
“My favorite part of my job is having the honor to help young adults start in their career and to be a part of their development. I also have the privilege of seeing these young adults becoming leaders who give back to new interns and graduates by helping them learn and grow in their careers. It is a continuous pay it forward.”
Senior Recruiter
“As a former plant manager, I know how important it is to hire good people to make the organization grow and prosper. And as a job hunter, I know how awesome it is to find a great job. So when I get to be in the middle of that — I feel great!”
Finance Development & Recruiting Coordinator
“I love that I'm able to recruit early career Accounting/Finance professionals into the very program that attracted me to Dow 10 years ago!”
Launching Students’ Careers
The consensus is that there is no better feeling than serving as the springboard for students as they embark on their career journeys.
Human Resources Manager
“My favorite part about working in talent acquisition and early career hiring is hearing the joyful reactions and pride in the voices of those who just accepted our job offer.”
Talent Acquisition Professional
"Working in talent acquisition, we have a rare opportunity to positively impact the career trajectory of the future generation. It's rewarding to see their success and know that the connections our team has made is facilitating so many opportunities for growth and professional fulfillment."
Senior Talent Attraction Manager
“Being a big part of the jumpstart on their first job endeavor and making this a ‘WOW’ experience so hopefully they will recruit the next generation of hires.”
University Programs Lead
"I love the energy and excitement new entry level hires bring as I run into them in the office and at virtual events. It really renews my excitement for what I do as a University Recruiter and it's really cool to see them grow in their roles."
Director of Talent Acquisition
“My favorite part of working in early career hiring is making an impact on many candidate's first glimpse into the professional workforce. Your first job can make or break the experience, and my team works hard to create a high touch process that allows each candidate to show their potential & get a glimpse into our company's work & values. Nothing is better than making job offer calls too!”
Manager of Campus Programs and Strategy
“The best part of my role is helping early talent launch their career, whether through their first intern role or their first job. It feels great to be a part of their career journey. It's a feeling like no other.”
Helping Others Discover Their Passion
Many talent professionals today are motivated by their unique position to support students in learning more about what drives them.
Recruiting Team Lead
“I believe the best part about working in TA is seeing candidates succeed in the hiring process. From there, it's great to see them continue to grow in their seat and hopefully into a new seat within the company. We get to have a unique seat at the table where we are with new hires from the beginning while they continue their excitement in their new role.”
Director of Talent
“I love being part of helping students find their first position after graduation. It is great to watch early career professionals succeed in their first year and beyond! Seeing their eyes light up when they secure a job that fits their passion and career goals is my 'why'.”
Forming Meaningful Connections
It’s no surprise that many people have chosen this profession because they love building relationships and forming great matches!
Lead Corporate Recruiter
“It’s such a gift to connect with people and create a space where they feel comfortable to share some of their most personal stories. I consider it a privilege that candidates let me into their lives and trust me to help shepherd their careers.”
University Relations Manager
“My favorite part of working with our early career programs is getting to interact with the students and help them discover where their passions lie within the workforce while also helping them to develop and improve upon their soft skills. It's amazing to see what they are able to create, the skills they develop in such a short time, and the pride they take in the work they have done to make an impact on our company.”
Strategy Lead, University Grad Talent
“There is something very special about working with early career talent. Being part of someone's career journey, specifically their first full-time role, is so special and magical! I love working in this space because I get the opportunity to be part of that magic every day.”
Lead Talent Acquisition Business Partner
“I love the career development conversations with students. Even if they ultimately choose a different company, having the ability to talk through aspects of their values, interests, and goals that can align with a company and HOW to identify them is invigorating.”
Campus Recruiter
“My favorite part about working in early career hiring is helping young college students navigate and form their career goals. It can be overwhelming at times to feel like you have to figure it all out right away but I enjoy getting the opportunity to talk through it with them. It's always rewarding to watch them figure out their path, and always a plus when they want to start it with us!”
Increasing Access to Opportunity
Many recruiters and talent professionals today are in the business of opening students’ eyes to opportunities they didn’t even know existed — and it keeps them going.
Senior Talent Specialist
“The recruitment process is an opportunity to build rapport and trust with a candidate as you introduce them to their first steps of a new adventure. It is an incredible experience to see someone open up to a world they barely knew existed!”
Vice President, Campus & Early Career Recruiting
“A large part of my role is to educate and raise awareness of the depth and breadth of opportunities within my industry. I absolutely love having a hand in opening someone's eyes to career possibilities they never knew existed.”
Early Talent & Diversity Program Manager
“My favorite part about working in talent acquisition and early career hiring is being able to provide equitable opportunities to those who show promise, drive and ambition. It's amazing being able to focus on the development of an aspiring professional and allowing their insights to help shape the future workforce.”
Impacting the Future of Work
By nurturing the next generation of talent, early career recruiters are creating the next wave of company leaders.
Coordinator, Early Career Talent Acquisition
“The best part about working in talent acquisition & early career hiring is the potential impact my team can have, not only for our interns, but for the business as well. We emphasize potential over experience, which means we focus on transferable skill sets & motivation. We look for Culture add, instead of Culture fit. We look for the game-changers who will continue to drive our business in ways we may not have thought about before.”
Recruiting Strategy Manager
“My favorite part of my role is being able to directly impact the future of the workforce!”
Thank you for joining us in celebrating Talent Appreciation Season, and thank you for all that you do to help students from all backgrounds discover their passions and embark on their career journeys. You can follow along on social media all month as we feature quotes with the hashtag, #TalentAppreciationSeason. If you’re looking for more resources to help you in your efforts to support candidates, be sure to check out our blog, which includes all sorts of tips and tricks for connecting with early career talent.