
A blog for leaders who care about recruiting and retaining the next generation of talent.

D&I Champion Spotlight : William Chichester III, Peloton
Jun 28, 2024

William, the Global Head of Early Career Talent at Peloton, is incredibly passionate about diversity within early career recruitment. His commitment to D&I extends beyond university recruiting and into his own team, life, and extracurricular pursuits. A University of Virginia alumni, he was a first generation college student who began achieving big goals and setting the foundation for a successful career early on. William lived on The Lawn at UVA, an honor reserved for just 100 students from an undergrad population of over 13,000. He was a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., 100 Black Men of America, and an alumni spokesman of the Sallie Mae Fund’s Kids2College Program. 

Nearly 60% of Candidates Say A Company’s Mission And Values Sparked Their Interest In Interviewing For A Role
Jun 28, 2024

We know that professional development and company culture are extremely important to early-career candidates in their job search. But when it comes to interviewing with specific companies, a company’s mission and values plays the biggest role in sparking candidate interest.

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Measuring the ROI of Your Early Career Strategy
Kate Beckman
Having good data to power decision-making is more important now than ever — especially in the field of talent acquisition. That’s because even though top companies might be continuing to hire entry-level candidates and interns in 2023, the uncertain macroeconomy is causing early career recruitment teams to shift their priorities and refocus on high-impact efforts. And it takes data to understand what exactly those efforts should be. The benefit of collecting the right data to showcase the ROI of your team’s recruitment efforts is twofold; it will help you make the case to leadership for why early career is a good investment, and, with the pressure on leaner teams to do more with less, it will help you focus on the strategies that are actually working. But where do you begin?
30 Colleges and Universities That Graduate the Highest Number of Female Computer Science Majors in the U.S.
Kate Beckman
When recruiting for your software engineering roles and internships, you might generate your list of target schools from our list of the most gender-balanced computer science programs. But your talent acquisition strategy will also benefit from targeting these schools that graduate the highest quantity of female computer science majors each year.
8 Organizations Committed to Supporting Native American Professionals
Kate Beckman
Since 1990, November has been recognized as Native American Heritage Month to recognize the contributions Native Americans have made to society and celebrate the community’s culture. However when it comes to the workplace, Native Americans face one of the highest rates of unemployment, 7.8%, and about one third of Native Americans say they’ve faced discrimination when seeking jobs. To combat these issues, there are numerous organizations that are dedicated to uplifting Native American professionals across a wide variety of industries. From mentorship and networking opportunities, to annual professional conferences, these organizations provide plenty of events and resources. This Native American Heritage Month we wanted to highlight organizations that are led by Native individuals, and work to support the Native American community. Whether you’re a company looking to forge partnerships for recruitment purposes or you’re a Native American professional looking to get involved, these organizations should be on your radar.
10 Women’s Colleges With Strong Business Programs
Kate Beckman
Women earn almost half of all business degrees (46%) awarded annually, meaning a large pool of talented female candidates are continuously entering the workforce. One of the best ways to tap into this pool is to recruit from women’s colleges.
Early Career Talent Teams Talk Recruitment Challenges & Strategies for Fall 2022
Kate Beckman
The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on talent acquisition teams was widespread. As campuses closed their doors to students, recruiters were forced to find new ways of connecting with candidates. Plus, with candidates in the driver’s seat, recruiters found themselves scrambling to gain the attention of early career professionals and competing with similar companies for the same pool of talent.
This Is When Gen Z Candidates Begin Their Job Search
Kate Beckman
Even with the thriving job market, sensible Gen Z’ers aren’t procrastinating when it comes to their job search. In our recent survey of over 1,100 graduates* from the class of 2019, 51% of our Class of 2019 respondents began their job search in or prior to October 2018, with the bulk of respondents selecting “August 2018” as the start of their job search. There’s a small spike of candidates that begin their search in January, and overall, 20% of Gen Z’ers began their search between January 2019 and March 2019. 20% of respondents waited until April, May or June to begin their job search.
How Fast Does Gen Z Expect to Be Promoted?
Kate Beckman
Career mapping and providing clear paths for internal growth remain important strategies for keeping great employees in-house, and understanding exactly when Gen Z expects to be promoted at work is an important factor in recruiting and retaining the newest generation of workers. While Gen Zers are often characterized by their desire for quick growth and career advancement, a closer examination of their promotion expectations in 2023 tells a slightly different story. In fact, over the past year, there has been a notable shift in their outlook when it comes to rising through the ranks at work in this economy, and employers looking to future-proof their organizations with fresh talent need to be taking note.
8 Companies With A Unique Approach to Interviewing
Kate Beckman
Looking for a way to innovate your recruiting process? Try reworking the interview stage. This can be useful for attracting diverse talent, creating a more even playing field, and testing candidates' skills in new or different areas, among other benefits. According to LinkedIn’s Global Recruiting Trends 2018 report, 63% of recruiters surveyed agree that traditional interviews fail at truly assessing candidates soft skills like teamwork and flexibility. And 42% of recruiters surveyed believe that traditional interviews feed into the bias of the interviewers. Switching up the interview process can not only lead to a more enjoyable experience for the candidate, but will ultimately help bring on better talent. Here are a few companies that utilize unique tactics to create a more dynamic interview process.
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