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The Most Efficient Recruitment Software in 2023

The current state of early career hiring isn't serving anyone, failing to meet the needs of both job-seeking candidates and employers hunting for Gen Z talent. Candidates are submitting over 100 applications to land one internship or job, only to receive little to no response afterwards (commonly referred to as "getting ghosted"). Meanwhile, employers are investing significant time, resources, and funds into finding suitable candidates but are overwhelmed filtering through unqualified applicants, and are struggling to identify and prioritize top inbound candidates. Plus, the response rates for outreach to qualified candidates are alarmingly low, and sourcing candidates through in-person events, such as large-scale diversity conferences and campus visits, is costly and produces unpredictable results. 

RippleMatch’s automated matching software is the innovation that the recruiting space needs today, transforming the way companies source top talent to how they meet their diversity hiring goals. In this article, we’ll walk you through how RippleMatch is changing the way employers build top-performing diverse teams, and why it has become the new way to recruit Gen Z.


Swapping passive networks on job boards with an active candidate pool 

Job boards such as Handshake create many of their candidates’ profiles through university’s career services databases, meaning that students did not opt in to a job searching platform and their information on those platforms may not accurately represent their backgrounds or interests. And it goes without saying that investing your time in sourcing candidates on job boards and platforms that Gen Z is not actively checking isn’t a good use of your time.

Meanwhile, RippleMatch allows you to engage with candidates who are actively looking for their next role, ensuring you connect with the right ones for you. Our candidates have created a profile themselves and self-report their information — so you can be sure they are ready to apply to your opportunities. That’s why RippleMatch users’ candidate response rates are 92%. Meanwhile, sourcing platforms such as Handshake and LinkedIn require recruiters to send out email campaigns and cold InMails in order to engage candidates. These tactics lead to a lot of noise in students’ inboxes and, not surprisingly, get a low 2-4% response rate on average.


Cutting down on time-intensive outreach

Many recruiters are spending their limited time toggling between endless filters to create a list of cold potential candidates with a low likelihood of responding. They spend a lot of time creating and sending email blast campaigns on job boards, or doing manual outreach on platforms such as LinkedIn, with low returns.

RippleMatch allows recruiters to create a hiring profile with multifaceted criteria and automatically receive a pipeline of qualified applicants already interested in their roles — no sourcing or marketing efforts required. Employers input everything they are looking for in a candidate, such as what skills they value, as well as what groups are underrepresented in their pipeline. From there, RippleMatch automates 100% of the sourcing process, finding the right candidates and gauging their interest in the job — all while cutting 87% of the time involved with manual sourcing.


Replacing expensive and inefficient diversity recruiting strategies  

While many employers today intend to bring in more diverse talent this year, it’s very challenging for early career professionals to build strategies around connecting with intern and entry-level talent from different backgrounds. They are attending as many diversity conferences and campuses as their budget and bandwidth allows, and hoping candidates they meet there will be a good fit for their roles. Unfortunately, the timing of these conferences don’t always align with their business needs, and most employers get very limited and unpredictable results from their in-person efforts.

RippleMatch is the most efficient and cost-effective way to make a difference on DE&I. 75% of our talent network identifies with one or more underrepresented groups, and candidates on our platform represent more than 310 HBCUs and HSIs. As a result, companies on our platform are able to achieve talent pipelines filled with a diverse slate of candidates. Recent data we collected from spring 2022-23 shows that 50% of our platform users achieve a talent pipeline in which 81% of candidates are an underrepresented identity.


Streamlining applicant review and providing a stellar candidate experience

Many recruiters are still spending critical time manually parsing through hundreds, even thousands, of unqualified candidates. It takes on average more than 3 minutes to review a single application — adding up to a large loss of time in a recruiter’s week.

Employers using RippleMatch, however, can unify all their applicant sources into a single view. Then,we apply our scoring algorithm to all inbound candidates and employers can see their best-fit applicants right away — quickly rejecting unqualified ones and getting back to top talent faster, cutting applicant review time down by 70%.

Employers using RippleMatch can provide candidates with a standout candidate experience — one that can set themselves apart from their competitors. Our survey data of nearly 3,000 internship and entry-level job seekers reveals that Gen Z believes that the number one factor that contributes to a negative experience is actually being ghosted by employers — i.e. not hearing back after submitting their initial applications, whether or not they are moving forward in the hiring process. But it doesn't end there. Strong communication with candidates throughout the entire hiring process is an important element of a good candidate experience, with the second most popular factor contributing to poor experience being ‘not receiving timely updates (within 5-7 business days) about application status’.    

The industry average for getting back to applicants is 17 days, while employers on RippleMatch have an average response time of only about 5 days — with top performing teams replying to candidates within one day. With RippleMatch, employers can craft a reputation that attracts the right talent by responding to every applicant and moving candidates through their hiring process quickly.


Easily tracking ROI to make the case for early career recruiting strategies

Recruiters today no longer have to shell out the money to attend large conferences and invest in multiple recruiting technology software, with no accurate way to trace spend back to actual hires or spend countless hours in spreadsheets trying to tie back hires to their source.

RippleMatch makes it easy for employers to track the ROI of every event and applicant source with in-depth funnel analytics. That way your team can be prepared to answer all of the strategic recruiting questions that come their way with intuitive, powerful dashboards — with no complex reporting required.


Organizations that aren’t leveraging the right technology to scale their efforts and reduce inefficiency will fall behind when it comes to recruiting top talent. If you are not taking advantage of the tools that your competition is relying on to source and hire the best talent across the country, you’ll be missing out on connecting with the most desired candidates out there today. RippleMatch can transform your recruiting strategy without adding more work to your plate — taking your organization into the future of early career hiring. Learn about why RippleMatch is the most efficient recruitment software here.


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