
A blog for leaders who care about recruiting and retaining the next generation of talent.

Our Latest AI Innovation: AI Chat Filtering
May 29, 2024
Filter for Candidates easily using natural language prompts

Recruiting top talent is complex, but it doesn’t have to be time-consuming or cumbersome. With RippleMatch, you instantly find the best candidates in your pipeline and automatically source the talent you're missing. This means you spend 70% less time on resume reviews and manual sourcing, allowing you to focus on engaging with high-quality candidates and improving your recruitment results.

Tips from a DEI Leader: Resources to Educate and Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day in the Workplace
Jan 11, 2024

This year, as we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it's essential to recognize the profound impact and enduring legacy of Dr. King in our workplaces. RippleMatch presents a curated list of valuable resources designed to help you and your colleagues meaningfully observe this day that should go beyond simply having a day off. 

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How to Navigate Early Career Hiring in a Recession
Kate Beckman
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, talent teams experienced a hot market with candidates in the drivers’ seat — one so competitive that it had been referred to as ‘the war on talent’. But an economic cooldown at the tail end of 2022 has shifted companies’ focus from fighting for top talent to planning for worst-case scenarios by tightening budgets and instituting hiring freezes and layoffs.
The Biggest Branding Challenges Companies Are Facing Today
Kate Beckman
Most companies are aware that building a strong employer brand is critical for educating potential employees on what their organization does and values, and for existing employees who are helping to shape the community they have built and are looking to grow. But as we’ve shifted from a hot market to one marked by economic uncertainty and tightening budgets, organizations today are questioning whether it's the right time to amplify their branding efforts, or pull back on related expenses.
Candidates’ Attitudes Toward Reneges Remain Unchanged Despite Economic Cooldown
Kate Beckman
Despite moving away from the candidate-driven market we experienced in 2021 and early 2022, candidates today are unwavering in their liberal attitude toward reneges. In fact, some may be even more likely to rescind their offers this year.
75% of Gen Z Candidates Consider Company D&I Efforts When Deciding Whether to Apply
Kate Beckman
In today’s professional landscape, most companies can agree: The future of work needs to reflect the future of the workforce. That means that as populations continue to become more and more diverse, representation at the professional level needs to rise as well. However, most workplaces are still behind on these goals, underscoring an urgency to progress on Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) initiatives, especially for the incoming generation of workers. In fact, that incoming generation is demanding it.
Gen Z Candidates Are Confident About Finding a Good Job or Internship This Fall — But Some More Than Others
Kate Beckman
While late 2021 and the start of 2022 saw a candidate-driven market, recent layoffs and an economic cool down could spell trouble for candidates this recruiting season. However, when we asked students in August about their internship and job searches heading into the fall, it was clear that an uncertain future had little effect on their confidence in finding a good position this year. But some are more confident than others.
What Female Gen Z Candidates Want to See in Your Company's DE&I Efforts
Kate Beckman
Gen Z cares about what your organization is doing to help build a more inclusive workforce. In fact, we found that three quarters of early career talent would reconsider applying to a role at a company if they were not satisfied with its DE&I efforts. When broken down by gender, it’s clear that women are even more concerned with their future employer's DE&I efforts, with 85% of female internship and entry-level candidates agreeing with this sentiment (compared to 68% of men). With that in mind, we sought to discover what exactly female candidates are considering when evaluating your DE&I efforts to help you better understand where their values lie.
Outstanding Leader - Nicole Furnia of ABB
Kate Beckman
RippleMatch is proud to recognize Nicole Furnia, the Director of University Relations, Early Career and Employer Branding - US & Americas at ABB, as an Outstanding Leader in the Campus Recruiting Community!
Grace Hopper Celebration: How to Make the Most of Your Time as an Early Career Recruitment Team
Kate Beckman
Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC), the largest annual conference for women in tech, is a great way for recruiters to connect with a large number of passionate candidates from across the globe, build their brand and grow a strong pipeline of female talent for in-demand roles, and make real progress on their Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) efforts. And that includes reaching thousands of early career professionals.
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