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20 Talent Professionals Share Why They're Thankful To Work in Campus Recruiting

Early career hiring wouldn't be the same without the hardworking talent professionals helping students land awesome opportunities. And we are so grateful for the early career recruiting teams who have decided to invest in the future of talent by partnering with RippleMatch. That’s why we designated November as Customer Appreciation Month.


Early career recruiters have had to overcome challenge after challenge over the past two years, and we wanted to show our appreciation for the incredible professionals who have continued to adapt, pivot, and innovate as the recruitment landscape has evolved. Despite all of the hurdles, our partners have stayed as positive and forward-thinking as ever.

To recognize and share their dedication, we asked our customers what they love and are thankful for in early career recruiting. One theme was very clear: campus recruiters are thankful for having the chance to work with students.

Early career recruiters play an integral role in supporting and guiding students at the beginning of their careers, and it’s obvious that they love doing it!


Here is what our RippleMatch customers are thankful for this year: 

I’m so grateful for my team as we are building the foundation for Early Talent Recruiting at Peloton. I’m also grateful for our exciting partnership with Ripplematch for helping us in I’m so grateful for my team as we are building the foundation for Early Talent Recruiting at Peloton. I’m also grateful for our exciting partnership with Ripplematch for helping us in our construction efforts.our conI’m so grateful for my team as we are building the foundation for Early Talent Recruiting at Peloton. I’m also grateful for our exciting partnership with Ripplematch for helping us in our construction efforts.” -William Chichester, III


“I am thankful every day for the students who share with me their passions, their ambitions, and their dreams for their careers. It gives every day on the job new energy to be a trusted partner in the special experience that is the transition between university and a j-o-b. I am thankful that I get to connect students to so much more than an employment opportunity. At Qualtrics we are welcoming them to their first big step in their career journey in a space cultivating intentional employee experiences of inclusion and belonging!" -Chloe Fisher


“I am thankful that today's college students are so interested in creating positive change in our world. They think critically about their path toward making an impact, and I enjoy supporting their learning and discernment of the best fit for their future.” -Molly Robinson


“I am thankful for students who are eager to learn about organizations that they may be unfamiliar with. I am thankful for the platforms to get to share more about my organization, and the opportunity to interact with students of all majors & backgrounds who are excited to engage in conversation.” -Jordyn Fishman


“I'm thankful for the team members, campus faculty, and students I get to work with. I've met incredible people throughout the last few years who are excited to support our organization as a whole and my work. Without them, we would not be able to bring in and engage with the thousands of people working towards our mission. Thank you!” -Shaina Wilson


“I am thankful for the enthusiasm and curiosity shown by emerging professionals!" -Nick Sodnicar


“I'm so thankful for my university recruiting team - each member works tirelessly to not only hire great talent but also create meaningful candidate experiences for our students. I'm so impressed with how much care and attention they give to each candidate in helping them find a successful first career!" -Sara Cho


“I am thankful for the incredible PURE Insurance Talent Acquisition Team whose energy, dedication, and passion is contagious. I am grateful to have such an amazing group of individuals to work alongside!” -Jennifer Wadas


“I am thankful for the students who have persevered through COVID and who bring excitement to the interviews and discussions about what the future can hold. It has been a long ride, but seeing how passionate students are is what energizes me as a recruiter.” -Cailyn MacRossie


“I am thankful for the opportunity to speak to young candidates that are eager to enter the workforce. Being able to attract the best talent for company, in order to continue their growth is also important." -Ray Dye


“I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of helping young professionals find what they are passionate about. I think it's so important to start early and to truly take the time to explore and try new things. I also am thankful to work for a company that offers such valuable opportunities to college students where they can truly make an impact with the work that they do.” -Heather McCoig


“When thinking about all that I am thankful for, I am thankful for working with such a brilliant University Recruiting team at Robinhood that is passionate about students' success. I am thankful that I get to plan a program dedicated to helping students unlock their potential and I get to watch interns gain confidence throughout their internships.” -Ashley Smith


“I am thankful I get to be in a position that helps others in their career — from my immediate team, to those seeking internships and new grad positions. To see others grow and know I had a direct impact on them, big or small, is the ultimate reward!” -Carlos Pineda


“As a recent joiner to campus recruitment, what I am thankful for is that this work allows me to recruit today’s generation of early career talent which requires an understanding of their attributes, empathy for their values, and the development of a recruiting process that engages their interests and preferences which is something I enjoy doing." -Olivia Hazell


“I am thankful to work in early career & campus hiring because I get to meet such motivated and young professionals everyday. I love learning about them, their backgrounds, and interests and then helping them find the right position to develop their career." -Morgan DuPont


“I am thankful for the technology, support, and user-friendly components in the process of helping students find their dream jobs and passion at work. Thank you, RippleMatch!" -Sophie Nicholas


“I am thankful for a platform like RippleMatch. Our company has been able to connect with applicants that we never would have without RM. Getting introduced to the amazing talent through RM has been a game-changer for us. Thank you!" -Debra Kaser


“When thinking about what I'm the most thankful for in early career hiring - it's the students and their amazing questions! It really gives me the opportunity to reflect on why I do what I do! With a world of opportunity in front of them, we get such a small amount of time with them to figure out their passions, skillset, and what they want to do next. Their questions around the 'why' of why I'm here really gives me the boost I need to be an invaluable resource for them during their career search." -Melissa Wafful


“I'm most thankful for the ability to mentor students and share excellent opportunities for new grads to accelerate their careers! Working in this space has given me hope for everything those entering the workforce are going to accomplish. It's truly amazing to be at the forefront of Gen Z starting the next chapter of their lives and being able to help students find life-changing opportunities!" -Rachel Graham


“I'm thankful for the opportunity to help students find their first internship or full time role. The excitement keeps me going and it never gets old!" -Karen Stinnett


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