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Tips From a Recruiter: How to Make the Most of Your First Internship

Internships are a great way to gain professional experience, meet mentors, and learn about a career path that you're interested in. In fact, they've become a central component of many college and graduate programs, with an average of 60% of students participating in an internship or co-op at some point during their higher education.

At the same time, understanding how to get the most out of your first internship can be tricky — especially since you've never had this kind of experience before.

To help you navigate this uncharted territory, we sat down with Hayley Stuckel, the Senior Manager of University Recruiting at leading cybersecurity company Arctic Wolf. Read on for her top tips for first-time interns looking to get everything they can out of their experience.


1. Prepare by doing research, but remain open-minded

Knowledge is power. Before you start your internship, spend time researching the company and role you'll be taking on — including job descriptions, company values, culture information, news articles or press releases about the company, and anything else that might help you understand what to expect from this experience. This can help you gain more confidence before the start of the program, and showcase your research skills! 

Hayley also suggested asking a recruiter or manager if there’s anything you can do before starting, such as any reading that might help you better understand the company or role, or even practical steps such as filling out any needed paperwork. 

And while preparing is important, Hayley also emphasized the need to be flexible when it comes to what your internship might entail.  

"Know that often, we have an idea of what you'll be working on, but a lot can change between when we hired you and when you start — flexibility is key." Hayley said.

By understanding the company and its culture, you can enter the internship confident and ready to learn. It's also important to keep an open mind about the work you may be assigned. You never know what opportunities will come from being open to learning new things!


2. Show initiative to learn early and often

Internships are the perfect time to get in touch with your curious side and ask questions. Take the initiative, show interest, and seek projects to help you grow. Don't be afraid to dive into something unfamiliar; this is a great learning opportunity.

"We all know interns are at a company to gain knowledge in their field, get perspective into an industry they are interested in, and build relationships. However, if you have the capacity, ask what else you can help with or work on, set up coffee chats with teams you'd like to learn more about, and take advantage of programming — both intern-specific and things available to all employees as well," Hayley suggested.

Taking the initiative to learn and explore will also help you leave a lasting impression on your manager and company (and could help you secure a full-time role later down the line).

"Those who have seen a way to improve a process, offer suggestions, ask questions, and participate do stand out,” Hayley told us.

Problem-solving and collaboration skills can be just as valuable to employers as technical expertise. As an intern, you can strengthen your critical thinking and communication skills and show that you're a team player by putting your thoughts and ideas out there.


3. Take advantage of networking opportunities to build connections

The colleagues you meet and the connections you build during your internship can be a great source of advice, support, and learning. Plus, you never know what opportunities will present themselves later on by forming relationships and staying in touch with your colleagues.

"Opportunities to network and participate in other events hosted either by the team you're working with or the intern programming offers a chance to meet more people within the organization – other leaders, teams, and interns," Hayley said. “Who knows, they may think of you six months or six years down the road!”

Hayley also shared that you should never be afraid to put 15 minutes on someone's calendar to learn more about them and their role and get their insight into the company. It's a great way to build your network!


4. Express interest in a full-time role after graduation (if you're interested)

Lastly, don’t be afraid to make it known if you're interested in joining the company full-time after your internship ends. And don’t wait until you’re back home or in your dorm! Communicating your interest and intent while you’re top-of-mind will guarantee the right people know so you can better secure a potential full-time role.

"Throughout your program, if you know this is a company you could see yourself at again in the future, have that conversation with your manager and mentor. Let your recruiter know — they may not work on full-time opportunities but can make introductions," Hayley advised.

Even if you are not interested in a full-time role at the company you interned with, there are still plenty of reasons to remain in contact with those you worked with during the program. 

"Ask your manager during your program for feedback on your performance and things you can continue to work on,” Hayley said. “Before leaving, ask those people you've worked with if you can use them as a reference in the future. Ask if you can connect on LinkedIn or email them in the future to keep in touch."

Following up, showing you're coachable and want to learn, and staying in touch can ensure that the people you've worked with can easily recall you and your strengths.


Internships are an incredible opportunity to form a solid path to your career goals. Following these four tips will not only help you to build an ideal network and gain hands-on experience, but may even increase your chances of getting a job offer right after graduation. So, take advantage of all the resources available as an intern and make a lasting impression!


Looking to get into the cybersecurity industry and gain real-world cybersecurity experience? Learn more about Arctic Wolf here


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