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Which Schools have the Highest Average GPAs?

Did you know GPAs are mattering less and less to employers today? Learn more here.

Comparing transcripts across schools is a constant challenge for employers. Universities are notoriously tightlipped about GPAs and until this point, no list of average Ivy League GPAs has existed. To answer this question, the Ripple team analyzed thousands of profiles of students in the top schools in the United States. The results are as follows:


Some unsurprising news:

Princeton has the lowest GPA at 3.48. Known for its stringent grade deflation, until 2014 Princeton capped the number of students receiving ‘A’ grades at just 35%.

Brown has the highest GPA at 3.74. Unlike its neighbor in New Jersey, this Rhode Island school has a more generous grading system. Students can erase F’s from transcripts (some say they would prefer to get an F, rather than a B+). We would say lucky Brown students were lucky to have the chance to ‘pick-n’-mix’ classes, but it’s tough trying to compete when the average grade is a high A-…


Who knew?

MIT has the second highest average GPA. Known for its tough STEM classes (Aerospace Engineering, anyone?), even the breakdown of its STEM major average GPA is surprisingly high – 3.68.

Students at Harvard, who were criticized by faculty for complaining about their A- averages, should know that their friends in New Haven or Palo Alto are likely to hold higher GPAs – at 3.59 and 3.67 respectively.


Peace of mind:

Don’t let the variance between GPAs keep you awake tonight in the library. Take solace in the fact that the average GPA per school only varies by ~6%. And without the outliers of Princeton and Brown, there is only a 4% range of average GPAs at top schools.

Check out the 2018 stats for the universities with the highest average GPAs, and see which schools have moved up in the ranks.


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