
A blog for leaders who care about recruiting and retaining the next generation of talent.

RippleMatch Product Pulse Newsletter: July Edition
Jul 31, 2024
Welcome to the RippleMatch Product Pulse, your monthly hub to learn about the products & features we’ve released to help you make the most of our platform.

Highlights this month include:
  • Interview Scheduling: Easily coordinate interviews within RippleMatch.
  • Candidate Activity Feed: Get visibility into each candidate's journey in your hiring process.
  • AI Chat Filter: Quickly find the best candidates for you with natural language prompts.
  • Updates to our Communities product: New Themes and Templates that help you save time and own your brand identity.

Learn more about these features and other recent releases below!

3 Impactful Ways University Recruitment Teams Can Prepare For The 2024 Fall Season
Jul 19, 2024

The landscape of recruitment is always changing – are you ready for the latest challenges fall recruitment has for you? To help you prepare, we’ve identified 4 key areas to focus on to ensure you have a smooth and successful season, informed by recent data collected from hundreds of recruiters, thousands of Gen Z candidates, and thousands of data points pulled from user behavior on the RippleMatch platform.

For a more in-depth analysis at each of these areas, you can download our full Fall Readiness Guide here!

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5 Ways to Showcase A City When an Internship is Remote
Internships serve several purposes: as well as introducing potential new hires to your company and its workplace culture, they are an opportunity for interns to experience your city and determine whether they’d be happy relocating there to work with you.
Intern Hell Week: When Summer Programming and Fall Recruitment Planning Overlap
Kate Beckman
When you work as a campus recruiter, you are expected to juggle many responsibilities at once. When I managed the internship program for a Fortune 500 company, I was responsible for both the recruitment cycle and summer programming. Currently I work at RippleMatch, a tech platform that supports companies in virtual and diversity recruitment for early career roles. I’ve spoken to a number of talent professionals who manage the internship programs at their companies, and many of them are in the same position that I was in–small team, mounting responsibilities, and the need to stay one step ahead of the campus recruitment cycle to prepare for the following year.
31 Companies With Impactful Initiatives to Support Their LGBTQ Employees
Kate Beckman
To create the best workplace culture and community, every employee should feel supported and valued by their employer. However, a study done by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) found that 46% of LGBTQ workers say they are closeted at work, and the top reason they don’t report negative comments they hear is that they don’t think anything will be done about it.
24 Companies With Standout – And Effective – Diversity Recruiting Strategies
Kate Beckman
Whether you’re a hiring manager at a Fortune 500 company or the founder of a growing startup, it’s your job to build the best team possible. While every company has different hiring needs, building a team made up of diverse individuals is essential no matter the company size or department. But finding great candidates from a variety of backgrounds isn’t always easy, especially if a team is fairly homogenous to begin with. However, there are many companies that are getting it right, and their documented diversity recruiting strategies are great examples of how to approach hiring. There are a number of ways to design your hiring process to increase diversity but you have to start somewhere – here are the strategies of 24 companies to model your own processes after.
Crafting a Gen Z Friendly Candidate Experience
In order to recruit top talent—and protect your brand—it’s critical that you invest in creating a positive candidate experience. It may not seem like the most important consideration in your recruitment process, but a negative candidate experience can lead to significant financial consequences. With today’s student job seekers expecting even more from companies in regards to communication and personalization, how can you ensure your process fits their needs?
Introducing: RippleMatch CRM
Campus recruitment teams face many challenges. Two of the biggest concerns are identifying talent early and keeping candidates engaged. Of course, ensuring that candidates have a positive experience is also important. But with a shifting recruitment landscape and a need to consistently meet hiring deadlines, how can talent acquisition teams manage these responsibilities?
Recruiting Strategies to Bolster Diversity and Expand Beyond Core Schools
Increasing diversity isn’t just a moral imperative—it’s a business one, as well. Companies with a diverse workforce see higher revenues and are more likely to be measured as innovative leaders in their industries. Showing a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion is also essential to attracting the talent that leads to innovative and standout results, with 67% of job seekers citing diversity is an important factor when considering a company.
28 Diversity-Focused Organizations to Partner With to Increase Representation at the Entry-Level
In order to recruit and retain a diverse workforce, you must start at the entry-level. Gen Z makes up the most diverse workforce yet, but focusing on traditional recruiting pipelines may make it difficult to hire students from underrepresented backgrounds. By hiring primarily from a few core schools, you could be missing out on a lot of great talent who attend smaller or less well-known colleges. One way to increase your diversity hiring at the entry level is to partner with organizations that support underrepresented minorities. There are countless organizations that provide support, resources, and training to diverse candidates, and many are happy to work with corporate partners. By supporting these organizations, your company can not only provide training and assistance to underrepresented candidates, but you can open up your pipeline and hire interns and entry-level employees directly from their membership base. Here are 28 diversity-focused organizations to partner with.
How to Host High-Impact Virtual Events
After more than a year of hosting events almost exclusively online, we’ve all learned a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t. However, what kept students engaged at the beginning of the pandemic may not be enough now that so many are suffering from Zoom fatigue and struggling to balance overprogramming. Whether you’re looking to improve your virtual recruitment events or are hoping to wow your summer interns, it’s important to reevaluate and refresh your virtual event strategy.

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