
A blog for leaders who care about recruiting and retaining the next generation of talent.

Our Latest AI Innovation: AI Chat Filtering
May 29, 2024
Filter for Candidates easily using natural language prompts

Recruiting top talent is complex, but it doesn’t have to be time-consuming or cumbersome. With RippleMatch, you instantly find the best candidates in your pipeline and automatically source the talent you're missing. This means you spend 70% less time on resume reviews and manual sourcing, allowing you to focus on engaging with high-quality candidates and improving your recruitment results.

Tips from a DEI Leader: Resources to Educate and Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day in the Workplace
Jan 11, 2024

This year, as we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it's essential to recognize the profound impact and enduring legacy of Dr. King in our workplaces. RippleMatch presents a curated list of valuable resources designed to help you and your colleagues meaningfully observe this day that should go beyond simply having a day off. 

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The 10 Most Diverse Universities That Campus Recruitment Teams Should Consider
Campus recruitment teams are in a great position to help their companies make strides when it comes to their DE&I goals by being strategic about which universities they target and what fresh talent they invite through their doors. And while elite colleges are sure to be filled with qualified candidates, there are plenty of schools to consider with top talent that have much more diverse populations. Below are the top 10 most diverse universities that university recruitment teams should consider if they want to make real strides in their D&I strategy, according to U.S. News.
How to Recruit Gen Z for Careers in Insurance
Despite living in a period of economic uncertainty and under the threat of a looming recession, today's job market remains highly competitive. At the same time, it’s become clearer than ever that for companies to succeed through times of economic turmoil and come out the other side even stronger, they need to be continuously investing in their future leaders: Gen Z.
The Top Community Colleges to Recruit From
When recruiting early-career talent, many employers tend to overlook community colleges as great sources for early career candidates. But community colleges can be an excellent place to find intern and entry-level talent with diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and experiences. In fact, some ground-breaking professionals have attended community colleges, including co-founder of Apple Steve Wozniak, legendary film director Clint Eastwood, former NASA astronaut Eileen Brooks, and co-founder & CEO of Costco, Jim Sinegal. With more than 9 million students attending community colleges today, employers seeking talent there will have access to a massive pool of capable students. To get started, here are some of the impressive community colleges to recruit from:
Gen Z Employees Want to Come into the Office
The pandemic changed the landscape for remote work, and Gen Z was the first generation to fully embrace remote positions as the norm. In fact, since much of their education was disrupted by the pandemic (which resulted in a largely virtual education environment for at least a few semesters), embracing remote work has been a natural transition for Gen Z to make.
Gen Z Candidates Still Likely to Renege on Offers
After going through the process of finding the ideal candidate for a position and supporting them through the interview and hiring process, the last thing recruitment teams want to do is hear that the candidate backed out the offer for another opportunity. Not only does this create more work for recruiters, but it costs the company more money in the long run.
The Top 20 Public Universities to Recruit Candidates From
When it comes to recruiting talent, the pool at public universities continues to grow. There are about 8 million students enrolled in public 4-year colleges, accounting for roughly 43% of all college students in the United States, which are home to a diverse slate of candidates. In fact, nearly 80% of Hispanic and Latinx students, 70% of Black students, and 77% of American Indian or Alaska Native students attend public universities. With so many potential candidates from a variety of backgrounds, it is important to target the right schools when creating a campus recruiting strategy.
Events Product Update: Candidate Check-Ins, Mobile Optimization, International Events & Candidates
In this Product Update Blog, you’ll learn about the latest updates to RippleMatch’s Events product, which include a smoother in-person candidate check-in experience, optimizations to the mobile experience, better functionalities to accommodate international candidates, and more.
5 Ways Top Early Career Hiring Teams Are Recruiting and Retaining Black Talent in 2023
As companies continue to prioritize diversity in the workforce and open their doors to talent from a variety of backgrounds, it's become increasingly clear that applying a one-size-fits-all recruitment strategy will not help them reach their goals to build a more inclusive work environment. In fact, Gen Z’s preferences when it comes to selecting their future employer differ by gender, race, and ethnicity — such as disparities within how they prefer to work (in-person, remote, or hybrid), to what they would deem a negative candidate experience.
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