
A blog for leaders who care about recruiting and retaining the next generation of talent.

5 Facts to Know about Hispanic-Serving Institutions
Nov 26, 2024

Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) are a cornerstone of higher education in the United States, enrolling and supporting a significant portion of the nation’s Hispanic and Latino student population. Defined as colleges and universities where 25% or more of undergraduate students identify as Hispanic, these institutions have been instrumental in fostering academic success for one of the fastest-growing demographics in the U.S. Over the last decade, the Hispanic population has grown by nearly 10 million, with Hispanic and Latino students now accounting for a significant share of college enrollments.

The Importance of Staying Connected with Gen Z Candidates After They Accept an Offer
Nov 22, 2024

Recruitment is no longer just about securing an offer acceptance—it's about keeping candidates engaged and excited as they prepare for their start date. A recent RippleMatch survey found that 73% of candidates will continue passively searching for other roles even after accepting an offer. This means that organizations must rethink their post-offer communication strategies to reduce the rate of reneges and build strong connections with future hires. Here's our top advice for keeping candidates warm in between extending and offer and their start date.

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7 Key Takeaways From ‘The Gen Z Impact: Navigating a New Era of Recruiting’
Every year, Gen-Zers are making up a larger percentage of the workforce — but many talent acquisition teams are still struggling to find, engage, and hire the right early career talent for their roles.
How to Recruit Gen Z for Careers in Retail
The retail industry has undergone significant changes over the last few years — namely a shift to e-commerce sales — and to remain at the forefront of innovation in the industry, retail companies will need to invest in the next generation of talent and future leaders of the industry (Gen Z). While the industry was beginning to see a major change in consumer behavior and purchasing trends (away from brick-and-mortar stores) dating back to 2010, the pandemic accelerated the need for the retail industry to take its products online.
Campus Recruiting Software: 2023 Buyer's Guide
In today's economy, talent teams are shrinking and recruiters now have to do more with fewer resources. How can you give talent the best recruiting experience possible while still keeping your time and resources manageable? Campus recruiting software can help you reach more candidates while being a cost-effective option for you and your team.
How to Recruit Gen Z for Careers in the Supply Chain Industry
The supply chain industry has been subject to unprecedented upheaval over the last few years, as the COVID-19 pandemic shut down factories and businesses across the globe, many of which are still struggling to return to their pre-pandemic pace. At the same time, the industry is expected to grow by nearly 10% over the next four years — and companies big and small will have to source top talent to both help them catch up, and keep up.
50 Companies With Innovative Campus Recruiting Strategies
To reach the next generation of talent and compete for the best candidates across the country, early career recruiting teams have had to rethink the status quo, and get creative when it comes to connecting with Gen Z. Through standout internships full of meaningful projects, impacting entry-level programming, and authentic DE&I efforts, many early career recruiting teams are paving the way for the future of recruiting and crafting a better experience for those new to the workforce.
How to Recruit Gen Z for Careers in Manufacturing
Today's job market is highly competitive, and attracting top talent can be especially difficult in a world where demands for young professionals with specialized skills and a desire for flexibility are increasing. However, it’s clear that to future-proof their organizations, companies today must be investing in the next generation of talent — Gen Z.
How MongoDB Is Innovating Campus Recruiting Through Software
In today's job market, campus recruiting teams are being asked to balance finding ways to effectively engage with Gen Z candidates and meet ambitious diversity hiring goals with tighter budgets and leaner teams — which is no easy feat. However, armed with the right recruiting technology, talent teams can scale their efforts and connect with more candidates across the country, all while being cost-efficient and getting the most out of every effort.
Internship & Entry-Level Job Candidates Share How RippleMatch Helped Them Land a Role
Internship and entry-level job seekers today are losing confidence in the job search — and are sending out more than 50 applications before landing a role. Gen Z candidates in 2023 have expressed to us that they are constantly ‘getting ghosted’ — meaning that they are not hearing back from employers about many of the applications they submit — and are struggling to find companies hiring now and roles that fit both their skillsets and passions.
How to Recruit Gen Z for Careers in CPG
Despite prevailing economic uncertainty, the market for top talent remains highly competitive. Moreover, it has become increasingly apparent that companies that will continue to thrive are those that are investing in the future leaders of the workplace — Gen Z. In fact, according to industry experts, companies within the CPG industry in particular are at risk of falling behind due to an increasing demand for new tech skills to keep them ahead of the game. For example, while e-marketplaces like Amazon are growing rapidly at 27% each year, and e-marketplaces are responsible for 70% of consumer-goods sales between 2013-2018, less than 5% of CPG sales are conducted online. To catch up, CPG companies will need a strong pipeline of forward-thinking talent with in-demand skills.

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